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Download Middleman filtering proxy for linux

Download Freeware version of Middleman filtering proxy

This page is devoted to downloading Middleman filtering proxy program (section Internet, Other category). Also you can find here program’s description, OS supported, type of license and overall rating. Stats like number of product downloads and recently viewed programs will help you to make your choice. Downloading Middleman filtering proxy is nothing difficult – enter confirmation code and click “Download Middleman filtering proxy” link. Download process will start automatically if you've entered correct code.

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Middleman filtering proxy

File size:726 Kb
File type:GZ
Views/Downloads:396 / 0
Total votes: 0
Supports the HTTP 1.1 and FTP protocols.
Intuitive Web interface for configuring and managing the proxy.
HTTP and FTP content caching; uses refresh algorithms similar to Squid.
Image and embedded object prefetching for faster page loading.
File rewriting with Perl compatible regular expression substitution.
Redirection using regular expression substitution on requested URL's.
Host, file, and MIME-type filtering.
Can process files with any external program.
Keep-alive connection pooling to avoid overhead of reconnecting to Web and FTP servers.
Can forward through HTTP and SOCKS4 proxies; supports NTLM and Basic authentication.
Can limit Internet usage to certain times; can limit bandwidth usage within arbitrary time periods.
Can block content using DNS blacklist services.
Can block inappropriate content using a unique keyword scoring system
Many URL commands to view information about a requested URL and temporarily change proxy settings; URL command to view changes made to a file with the file rewriting feature.
Supports gzip and deflate content encodings.
Can upload files to FTP servers.
Can delete or rename files, and make or remove directories on FTP servers.
Multi-threaded design allows proxy server to take advantage of SMP systems


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