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Download authorPOINT Lite Free PowerPoint to Flash Converter for windows

Download Freeware version of authorPOINT Lite Free PowerPoint to Flash Converter

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authorPOINT Lite Free PowerPoint to Flash Converter

File size:4 Mb
File type:EXE
OS:Windows2000 / Windows2003 / WinXP
Views/Downloads:329 / 1
Total votes: 0
authorPOINT Lite is a freeware PowerPoint presentation tool, which converts PowerPoint to Flash. authorPOINT Lite can be used for converting presentations to Flash for offline use, and to upload to authorSTREAM or WiZiQ for free online presentation sharing options.
authorPOINT Lite - the free PowerPoint to Flash converter has a simple and very usable interface, which enables you to quickly convert PowerPoint presentations to SWF or the Flash format. Flash files are better for sharing your presentations because they are lighter, more secure, multiple browser compatible, more accessible and easier to share.
Another benefit of using this free presentation tool is that you can upload presentations online on authorSTREAM, and get multiple sharing options including PowerPoint to iPod and PPT to video. You can also get unique code for presentations uploaded on authorSTREAM, which can be used to embed your presentations in your own sites, blogs or networks.
More Features:
- Presentations converted in authorPOINT Lite retain effects like PowerPoint animations, rehearsed timings, narrations, animation sounds and animated gifs - Supports batch conversion of .ppt, .pps, .pptx and .ppsx to .swf format, which enables you to convert multiple presentations to Flash in a single go - Quality and conversion settings can be tweaked - Edit presentation details including slide notes and titles, and add or remove rehearsed timings and speaker notes for the Flash output - A logo or picture can be added to the presentation - Layout color and template customization - Small download size - around 4 MB
authorPOINT Lite is a product by authorGEN. authorGEN specializes in providing e-learning and presentation software.


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